Share price:
% Change:
4.76 %
Open: |
5.500 |
Volume: |
0.0 |
Prev close: |
5.250 |
Shares issued: |
58.180056 |
52 week high: |
5.500 |
Index: |
Last Change: |
07-17 15:23 |
High: |
5.500 |
Low: |
5.000 |
Security type: |
Equity |
52 week low: |
5.000 |
Market Cap (M): |
Co's specialises in the installation of residential and commercial window film throughout the UK and around the globe. We make commercial buildings, homes and offices safer, more energy efficient and secure. Using the most advanced technology window film and window tinting products available today we have the right product at the right price to meet your needs.
Trend Direction |
1 Day |
1 Week |
1 Month |
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