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Gold and Oil News, LiveWire Economics Blog - Jun 20, 2024 19:05 - 0 Comments

Crude Oil Prices Rally as Inventory Declines and Rate Cut Hopes Emerge

On Thursday, crude oil markets saw a notable shift as oil futures surged. This was a direct reaction to the latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The latter reported a massive decrease in crude inventories. Simultaneously, the current cooling in job markets could indicate the need for the Federal Reserve interest rate cut. […]

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Gold and Oil News, LiveWire Economics Blog - Jun 20, 2024 19:05 - 0 Comments

Crude Oil Prices Rally as Inventory Declines and Rate Cut Hopes Emerge

On Thursday, crude oil markets saw a notable shift as oil futures surged. This was a direct reaction to the latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The latter reported a massive decrease in crude inventories. Simultaneously, the current cooling in job markets could indicate the need for the Federal Reserve interest rate cut. […]

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During Thursday’s trading on US sessions, an extraordinary event for Gold bulls took place. A gold price was hit of $2230 per ounce, gold set a fresh all-time high. The primary underlying strength of these rapid gains is the increased anticipation of numerous interest rate reductions from the world’s foremost central banks, mainly driven by […]

Shares and Markets - Oct 14, 2023 19:01 - 0 Comments

U.S. Stock Indices: A Dance Between Optimism and Fear

U.S. stock indices are currently dancing on a tightrope, balancing between optimism and fear. While there are signs of growth and recovery, external factors, such as geopolitical tensions and domestic economic concerns, are acting as counterweights. Starting off with Friday’s numbers, U.S. stocks predominantly leaned towards the negative side. The S&P 500, often considered a […]

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