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Objective is to provide capital returns and growth on a portfolio managed in two parts. The first part comprises investments in UK equities and equity related securities of large and mid-sized companies (80%); the second part comprises investments in fixed interest and other higher yielding stocks and securities (20%) The capital structure of the company is divided between A shares (ICTA), B shares (ICTB) and Units (ICTU). Only A shares are entitled to dividends paid by the Company. B shares, instead of receiving dividends, receive a capital return at the same time as, and in an amount equal to, each dividend paid on the A shares. For certain shareholders, there may be tax or other advantages in receiving a capital return rather than a dividend. Each Unit comprises three A shares and one B share.
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F & C UK High Income Trust - (FHI) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
09/11/2018 96.60 96.60 93.40 95.00 11,086
08/11/2018 95.92 96.80 94.00 95.00 25,597
07/11/2018 96.50 96.50 95.00 95.00 2,382
06/11/2018 95.22 96.00 93.44 95.00 15,473
05/11/2018 94.90 95.22 94.50 94.50 15,218
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Data for F & C UK High Income Trust is end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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