Share price:
% Change:
0.00 %
Open: |
0.0000 |
Volume: |
0.0 |
Prev close: |
0.0000 |
Shares issued: |
52 week high: |
1,340.00 |
Index: |
Last Change: |
01-16 08:25 |
High: |
0.0000 |
Low: |
0.0000 |
Security type: |
Equity |
52 week low: |
0.0000 |
Market Cap (M): |
Global producer of paper-based packaging, employing roughly 45,000 staff across 21 countries in Europe and 13 in the Americas.
Significantly, its operations are supported by a network of paper, recycling and forestry operations, with the latter including more than 100,000 hectares of forest globally. Its paper products are also used for printing and writing purposes. The company also offers recycling solutions to its clients.
Trend Direction |
1 Day |
1 Week |
1 Month |
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Data for Smurfit Kappa Group is end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.