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Dechra Pharmaceuticals, founded in 1997 following a management buy-out from Lloyds Chemists, develops prescription only veterinary medicines for dogs, cats and horses. Most of its projects involve adapting treatments, currently used by humans, for the animal market. Expertise is in the development, manufacturing and sales and marketing of high quality products exclusively for veterinarians worldwide. It listed in London in 2000.
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Dechra Pharmaceuticals - (DPH) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
16/01/2024 3,864.00 3,868.00 3,864.00 3,866.00 2,044,628
15/01/2024 3,864.00 3,868.00 3,864.00 3,866.00 2,044,628
12/01/2024 3,866.00 3,866.00 3,864.00 3,864.00 700,577
11/01/2024 3,864.00 3,864.70 3,856.21 3,862.00 241,124
10/01/2024 3,862.00 3,864.00 3,860.00 3,862.00 272,201
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