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In July 2004, ITM Power became the first fuel cell company to be admitted to AIM. The group is developing fuel cells, which can convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, and electrolyser, which can convert water and electricity into hydrogen and oxygen.
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ITM Power - (ITM) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
14/02/2025 34.30 35.19 34.14 34.66 2,085,133
13/02/2025 35.00 36.89 34.24 34.30 2,904,839
12/02/2025 34.20 36.12 33.79 34.40 1,827,698
11/02/2025 36.60 36.99 34.70 35.00 1,524,760
10/02/2025 36.04 37.26 35.38 36.78 1,679,446
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