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Erris Resources is a new European exploration company that aims to create shareholder value through early generative exploration and discovery. On discovery, the goal is to accelerate resource delineation and development through JV and industry partnerships. The Company has an experienced team with a proven track record of discovery and value creation.
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Erris Resources - (ERIS) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
04/05/2021 596.35 602.05 586.00 587.65 55,577
03/05/2021 601.95 604.95 593.50 596.35 35,354
30/04/2021 603.45 606.00 595.20 601.95 37,519
29/04/2021 611.40 611.80 600.00 603.45 38,074
28/04/2021 610.75 612.00 601.10 608.15 65,854
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