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Historical Share Prices

Volex - (VLX) share price history

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Volex - (VLX) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
05/03/2025 269.50 276.50 269.03 271.50 193,242
04/03/2025 277.00 277.00 266.00 269.00 794,228
03/03/2025 269.00 274.80 269.00 273.50 139,003
28/02/2025 276.00 276.00 267.50 270.00 552,639
27/02/2025 277.50 286.50 277.50 278.00 619,920
26/02/2025 278.00 287.00 278.00 286.00 293,797
25/02/2025 277.00 279.50 277.00 279.00 508,144
24/02/2025 285.00 285.00 274.50 279.00 370,870
21/02/2025 275.50 282.55 273.50 276.50 332,482
20/02/2025 275.00 276.00 272.50 273.00 342,648
19/02/2025 272.00 278.00 272.00 274.00 233,801
18/02/2025 285.00 285.00 272.50 276.00 172,985
17/02/2025 272.00 277.75 272.00 274.00 291,196
14/02/2025 285.00 285.00 272.50 272.50 110,654
13/02/2025 279.50 279.67 275.00 276.00 161,894
12/02/2025 275.50 280.83 273.00 279.50 395,094
11/02/2025 276.00 281.06 275.00 275.00 273,069
10/02/2025 281.50 284.00 276.00 276.00 265,042
07/02/2025 278.50 286.50 278.50 282.00 378,413
06/02/2025 280.00 288.00 280.00 283.00 299,560
05/02/2025 275.00 284.00 275.00 282.00 201,768
04/02/2025 280.00 282.04 277.00 278.00 380,143
03/02/2025 284.00 286.30 278.00 282.00 420,549
31/01/2025 303.50 303.50 288.00 290.00 222,852
30/01/2025 290.00 295.00 286.50 290.00 366,758
29/01/2025 286.50 288.50 284.10 287.00 292,334
28/01/2025 293.00 293.00 282.50 287.00 273,746
27/01/2025 296.50 296.50 280.00 284.50 476,040
24/01/2025 294.00 294.00 280.88 282.50 249,501
23/01/2025 295.50 295.50 283.00 287.00 289,712

Volex - (VLX) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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