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Vietnam Enterprise Investments (DI) - (VEIL) share price history

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Vietnam Enterprise Investments (DI) - (VEIL) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
06/09/2024 571.32 574.00 569.00 570.00 147,223
05/09/2024 580.00 580.00 571.54 573.00 140,250
04/09/2024 573.00 578.36 573.00 575.00 140,872
03/09/2024 576.00 579.10 575.00 576.00 262,615
02/09/2024 575.00 580.00 575.00 579.00 109,727
30/08/2024 574.00 578.00 574.00 577.00 153,078
29/08/2024 572.80 580.00 572.00 576.00 132,355
28/08/2024 577.00 580.00 571.00 575.00 268,466
27/08/2024 577.00 582.00 577.00 579.00 103,086
23/08/2024 578.00 582.00 576.00 579.00 159,066
22/08/2024 580.00 580.00 576.00 580.00 386,075
21/08/2024 584.00 588.00 576.00 581.00 359,392
20/08/2024 576.00 584.00 576.00 579.00 50,004
19/08/2024 571.00 580.00 571.00 580.00 36,976
16/08/2024 576.00 578.00 569.40 576.00 130,314
15/08/2024 568.00 571.98 568.00 568.00 244,098
14/08/2024 572.00 572.00 561.00 572.00 99,585
13/08/2024 562.00 566.00 557.00 566.00 95,546
12/08/2024 562.04 564.00 558.21 564.00 208,268
09/08/2024 550.00 562.00 547.00 562.00 33,455
08/08/2024 546.00 555.00 546.00 553.00 58,741
07/08/2024 554.00 557.68 553.00 553.00 122,003
06/08/2024 544.00 559.00 544.00 553.00 408,466
05/08/2024 548.00 554.40 532.00 540.00 194,713
02/08/2024 569.00 570.20 557.00 560.00 257,085
01/08/2024 571.00 573.00 563.00 567.00 915,873
31/07/2024 574.00 574.00 570.30 571.00 1,125,605
30/07/2024 575.00 575.00 566.00 570.00 1,189,704
29/07/2024 572.00 575.00 568.00 569.00 184,734
26/07/2024 571.00 574.00 570.00 570.00 1,473,977

Vietnam Enterprise Investments (DI) - (VEIL) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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