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Historical Share Prices

Tracsis - (TRCS) share price history

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Tracsis - (TRCS) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
09/12/2024 535.00 539.00 530.00 530.00 124,053
06/12/2024 545.00 550.00 530.00 530.00 16,189
05/12/2024 560.00 560.00 540.00 545.00 41,638
04/12/2024 570.00 570.00 565.00 565.00 28,928
03/12/2024 591.00 591.00 570.00 590.00 37,403
02/12/2024 600.00 600.00 583.60 600.00 15,237
29/11/2024 600.00 610.00 590.00 600.00 146,441
28/11/2024 580.00 610.00 580.00 600.00 82,273
27/11/2024 560.00 590.00 559.20 580.00 49,539
26/11/2024 560.00 570.00 550.00 560.00 129,764
25/11/2024 570.00 570.00 550.00 554.00 45,041
22/11/2024 575.00 579.00 563.55 570.00 30,404
21/11/2024 589.00 589.00 570.10 575.00 17,831
20/11/2024 615.00 630.00 580.00 590.00 122,976
19/11/2024 675.00 680.00 660.00 665.00 20,354
18/11/2024 703.00 704.00 671.00 674.00 31,806
15/11/2024 703.00 706.00 686.00 703.00 26,093
14/11/2024 705.00 706.70 700.00 700.00 33,486
13/11/2024 700.00 718.44 700.00 710.00 63,084
12/11/2024 700.00 710.00 695.00 699.00 22,801
11/11/2024 675.00 710.00 673.50 700.00 38,342
08/11/2024 695.00 700.00 672.50 675.00 28,355
07/11/2024 685.00 700.00 684.00 695.00 37,219
06/11/2024 670.00 690.00 670.00 685.00 23,129
05/11/2024 670.00 690.00 670.00 670.00 33,372
04/11/2024 650.00 670.00 650.00 660.00 28,015
01/11/2024 626.00 650.00 626.00 645.00 31,658
31/10/2024 590.00 630.00 590.00 625.00 32,344
30/10/2024 510.00 588.00 496.75 580.00 80,904
29/10/2024 490.00 514.00 486.50 510.00 51,026

Tracsis - (TRCS) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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