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Historical Share Prices

Rotork - (ROR) share price history

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Rotork - (ROR) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
23/01/2025 339.40 346.40 336.92 339.40 1,279,296
22/01/2025 330.60 334.80 330.60 334.60 915,801
21/01/2025 327.20 331.40 327.20 331.40 1,182,905
20/01/2025 325.00 327.80 321.80 327.00 691,135
17/01/2025 314.80 322.20 314.60 322.00 2,482,338
16/01/2025 316.60 316.60 312.40 315.80 926,527
15/01/2025 310.00 313.20 309.00 312.20 950,658
14/01/2025 312.80 312.80 306.60 306.80 804,820
13/01/2025 307.20 312.60 307.20 309.20 1,443,032
10/01/2025 317.80 318.20 313.00 313.60 882,143
09/01/2025 310.80 319.20 310.40 318.20 1,093,657
08/01/2025 313.40 317.00 309.00 312.20 846,520
07/01/2025 315.00 316.40 313.60 315.20 1,130,542
06/01/2025 313.60 317.60 313.40 316.00 503,709
03/01/2025 314.00 314.60 312.80 313.60 431,770
02/01/2025 313.60 316.20 312.60 315.20 568,043
31/12/2024 317.20 317.20 310.20 313.80 250,956
30/12/2024 307.00 311.60 307.00 311.60 449,324
27/12/2024 314.60 315.40 313.69 314.20 302,723
24/12/2024 319.40 319.40 314.20 315.20 168,888
23/12/2024 315.00 316.40 312.20 312.80 377,882
20/12/2024 312.80 318.00 312.80 316.40 2,609,993
19/12/2024 322.60 322.60 310.20 316.20 1,768,957
18/12/2024 314.60 319.80 314.20 316.40 1,573,802
17/12/2024 318.60 321.00 313.80 314.00 1,457,174
16/12/2024 322.20 324.60 320.40 322.80 1,042,504
13/12/2024 325.00 329.40 324.20 325.20 1,226,042
12/12/2024 329.20 330.40 325.40 327.40 596,925
11/12/2024 328.00 331.20 327.36 330.20 814,445
10/12/2024 329.40 331.80 329.40 331.00 741,219

Rotork - (ROR) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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