Share price:
% Change:
-2.75 %
Open: |
3,601.50 |
Volume: |
2,430,863.0 |
Prev close: |
3,499.50 |
Shares issued: |
958.710863 |
52 week high: |
3,803.00 |
Index: |
Last Change: |
02-05 16:35 |
High: |
3,637.50 |
Low: |
3,493.00 |
Security type: |
Equity |
52 week low: |
2,963.00 |
Market Cap (M): |
Imperial Tobacco has powered ahead since it was released from conglomerate Hanson in the late 1990s. Brands include Embassy, Regal, John Player Specials and Lambert & Butler alongside Castella cigars. Like its rivals, expansion has seen it go continental with the acquisition of Germany's Reemstma in 2001, which promoted the group into the fourth biggest tobacco company in the world.
Trend Direction |
1 Day |
1 Week |
1 Month |
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Data for Imperial Tobacco Group is end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.