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Historical Share Prices

Xaar - (XAR) share price history

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Xaar - (XAR) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
25/10/2024 93.00 94.13 91.57 92.00 91,347
24/10/2024 95.92 95.92 94.20 94.20 716
23/10/2024 96.40 97.50 93.18 95.90 129,242
22/10/2024 95.00 97.00 94.35 95.00 53,331
21/10/2024 95.40 97.60 92.16 93.40 47,987
18/10/2024 94.00 95.80 93.55 95.20 37,391
17/10/2024 93.80 97.80 91.50 97.60 128,679
16/10/2024 94.00 96.80 94.00 94.00 23,307
15/10/2024 98.20 99.26 95.18 97.00 82,460
14/10/2024 100.00 103.50 99.24 100.00 38,553
11/10/2024 103.50 104.00 99.80 99.80 80,929
10/10/2024 102.50 104.00 101.50 104.00 15,558
09/10/2024 100.00 104.00 99.60 102.50 213,676
08/10/2024 102.50 102.50 100.36 102.50 62,761
07/10/2024 100.00 104.00 100.00 100.00 12,162
04/10/2024 102.50 104.05 100.50 100.50 24,156
03/10/2024 102.50 103.00 102.50 102.50 5,588
02/10/2024 102.50 104.00 102.00 102.00 30,177
01/10/2024 103.50 107.00 102.13 107.00 66,597
30/09/2024 103.00 104.90 102.50 102.50 48,196
27/09/2024 103.50 104.75 103.00 103.00 38,733
26/09/2024 102.50 106.33 102.50 104.00 99,851
25/09/2024 104.50 106.00 102.50 102.50 21,603
24/09/2024 100.00 104.00 100.00 104.00 75,960
23/09/2024 98.40 102.09 98.40 100.55 11,838
20/09/2024 99.00 99.75 99.00 99.00 118,930
19/09/2024 98.00 99.80 98.00 98.60 36,893
18/09/2024 97.60 101.82 97.60 99.60 36,869
17/09/2024 104.00 104.90 100.00 100.00 68,192
16/09/2024 104.00 106.90 104.00 105.50 43,461

Xaar - (XAR) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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