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Spirent Communications - (SPT) share price history

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Spirent Communications - (SPT) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
10/09/2024 171.10 173.50 171.10 173.50 425,483
09/09/2024 171.00 174.30 171.00 173.80 1,190,709
06/09/2024 175.00 176.00 172.90 173.30 701,859
05/09/2024 176.80 176.80 173.40 175.00 610,921
04/09/2024 175.50 176.30 175.00 175.50 641,553
03/09/2024 176.70 178.53 175.90 176.00 488,681
02/09/2024 178.00 178.00 175.60 176.20 382,026
30/08/2024 178.30 179.40 177.70 177.70 2,368,368
29/08/2024 176.50 179.00 176.17 178.40 1,176,581
28/08/2024 178.20 178.40 176.10 176.10 412,526
27/08/2024 176.00 179.10 174.20 178.00 656,176
23/08/2024 178.80 178.80 176.28 177.80 176,842
22/08/2024 175.60 178.00 175.60 178.00 405,091
21/08/2024 177.00 177.37 175.40 176.00 1,846,042
20/08/2024 179.00 179.00 175.57 177.00 589,197
19/08/2024 177.00 177.00 174.00 175.50 337,572
16/08/2024 173.50 177.00 173.50 176.10 316,684
15/08/2024 174.00 176.30 174.00 176.00 4,962,977
14/08/2024 173.70 177.28 173.70 175.00 581,096
13/08/2024 172.60 175.30 172.00 175.00 678,323
12/08/2024 176.80 176.80 173.40 173.80 1,720,840
09/08/2024 175.10 177.60 174.30 176.00 1,268,417
08/08/2024 175.10 178.00 175.00 176.80 1,733,523
07/08/2024 173.00 175.50 172.90 175.00 1,700,514
06/08/2024 170.00 173.00 170.00 173.00 2,289,722
05/08/2024 172.00 172.00 168.00 171.00 2,850,227
02/08/2024 172.00 173.35 171.58 172.00 2,049,119
01/08/2024 174.50 174.50 168.10 172.50 1,066,723
31/07/2024 170.00 173.00 170.00 173.00 1,754,893
30/07/2024 178.80 178.80 172.20 172.50 1,697,739

Spirent Communications - (SPT) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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