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Historical Share Prices

Octagonal - (OCT) share price history

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Octagonal - (OCT) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
17/12/2021 812.00 824.00 810.00 810.00 152,376
15/12/2021 807.00 829.00 805.00 805.00 38,290
14/12/2021 803.00 810.00 780.00 810.00 80,873
13/12/2021 790.00 839.00 790.00 810.00 151,800
10/12/2021 766.00 800.00 756.00 790.00 116,998
09/12/2021 756.00 765.00 755.00 765.00 89,858
08/12/2021 761.00 765.00 750.00 765.00 216,478
07/12/2021 770.00 770.00 765.00 765.00 26,479
06/12/2021 770.00 780.00 766.00 770.00 53,023
03/12/2021 775.00 780.00 760.00 780.00 98,263
02/12/2021 780.00 800.00 780.00 786.00 115,921
01/12/2021 800.00 819.00 790.00 800.00 262,670
30/11/2021 800.00 835.00 795.00 808.00 54,513
29/11/2021 801.00 840.00 800.00 835.00 46,227
26/11/2021 830.00 849.00 761.00 840.00 134,698
25/11/2021 836.00 845.00 836.00 845.00 23,463
24/11/2021 848.00 849.00 830.00 840.00 152,401
23/11/2021 849.00 849.00 829.00 830.00 214,746
22/11/2021 815.00 849.00 780.00 849.00 86,334
19/11/2021 803.00 822.00 781.00 814.00 19,821
18/11/2021 791.00 829.00 790.00 826.00 19,425
17/11/2021 820.00 859.00 791.00 814.00 248,237
16/11/2021 877.00 877.00 826.00 859.00 249,302
15/11/2021 850.00 854.00 849.00 854.00 234,134
12/11/2021 834.00 835.00 834.00 834.00 36,427
11/11/2021 832.00 855.00 832.00 838.00 4,839
10/11/2021 850.00 878.00 836.00 867.00 9,462
09/11/2021 850.00 865.00 840.00 865.00 24,654
08/11/2021 899.00 899.00 860.00 861.00 45,850
05/11/2021 840.00 844.00 823.00 831.00 77,291

Octagonal - (OCT) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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