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Historical Share Prices

Norcros - (NXR) share price history

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Norcros - (NXR) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
04/10/2024 240.00 245.00 239.10 245.00 139,700
03/10/2024 244.00 244.00 239.00 241.00 19,739
02/10/2024 239.00 242.00 238.00 238.00 38,233
01/10/2024 245.00 245.00 238.33 240.00 97,970
30/09/2024 243.00 249.00 242.00 245.00 69,930
27/09/2024 235.00 244.00 234.00 244.00 271,073
26/09/2024 235.00 239.00 235.00 235.00 140,013
25/09/2024 242.00 242.00 235.00 237.00 27,893
24/09/2024 242.00 243.50 233.00 237.00 69,445
23/09/2024 244.00 244.00 237.00 241.00 59,828
20/09/2024 235.00 245.00 232.68 245.00 529,406
19/09/2024 239.00 239.00 233.00 234.00 23,892
18/09/2024 235.00 236.00 233.36 234.00 74,925
17/09/2024 236.00 236.48 232.05 235.00 95,174
16/09/2024 239.00 239.00 231.00 235.00 124,124
13/09/2024 233.00 235.00 233.00 235.00 105,707
12/09/2024 233.00 235.00 232.40 235.00 79,604
11/09/2024 234.00 236.50 228.00 228.00 99,967
10/09/2024 240.00 240.00 233.00 234.00 212,320
09/09/2024 232.00 235.00 232.00 235.00 185,130
06/09/2024 239.00 239.00 231.00 232.00 74,929
05/09/2024 238.00 238.60 233.00 233.00 46,576
04/09/2024 235.00 237.00 230.00 234.00 54,457
03/09/2024 227.00 236.00 227.00 233.00 649,645
02/09/2024 220.00 228.30 220.00 228.00 185,462
30/08/2024 218.00 226.00 218.00 226.00 57,827
29/08/2024 220.00 222.44 220.00 220.00 51,272
28/08/2024 220.00 224.00 218.00 220.00 85,499
27/08/2024 220.00 227.39 220.00 225.00 70,874
23/08/2024 220.00 226.11 220.00 222.00 26,008

Norcros - (NXR) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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