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Melrose Industries - (MRO) share price history

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Melrose Industries - (MRO) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
09/10/2024 435.60 439.70 432.70 436.80 3,479,950
08/10/2024 441.00 442.10 429.00 434.70 4,768,528
07/10/2024 464.70 464.70 447.10 447.10 2,112,386
04/10/2024 454.00 466.30 453.70 460.00 2,538,469
03/10/2024 459.90 462.20 452.40 455.30 2,063,789
02/10/2024 459.70 460.60 452.20 459.60 2,389,106
01/10/2024 460.90 470.00 456.40 458.80 3,024,194
30/09/2024 466.70 470.90 455.70 455.70 3,715,817
27/09/2024 467.50 472.30 466.20 471.20 4,060,974
26/09/2024 472.40 476.00 460.90 464.90 2,825,386
25/09/2024 457.20 466.90 457.00 465.90 2,970,500
24/09/2024 471.50 472.30 462.90 462.90 2,380,776
23/09/2024 461.10 471.96 461.10 465.90 1,719,376
20/09/2024 479.60 482.50 465.40 466.10 9,173,661
19/09/2024 478.80 487.40 477.82 484.50 2,944,710
18/09/2024 470.60 473.83 470.10 473.60 1,913,588
17/09/2024 471.70 477.10 469.10 473.60 2,550,133
16/09/2024 476.40 477.90 467.00 467.20 1,550,395
13/09/2024 471.00 479.50 468.93 479.50 2,853,824
12/09/2024 472.20 476.24 465.20 471.10 2,508,740
11/09/2024 462.50 467.21 458.35 464.50 2,044,422
10/09/2024 469.80 476.50 458.40 458.50 2,546,759
09/09/2024 456.00 473.30 454.95 472.10 2,694,151
06/09/2024 465.40 468.15 453.30 453.30 2,247,505
05/09/2024 465.80 468.60 458.40 463.60 3,071,756
04/09/2024 455.90 475.60 454.90 469.80 3,130,824
03/09/2024 485.30 487.60 461.80 464.70 2,956,503
02/09/2024 482.30 490.40 474.30 485.80 4,739,390
30/08/2024 494.00 495.40 481.90 481.90 8,192,097
29/08/2024 480.40 488.10 479.08 483.70 3,569,538

Melrose Industries - (MRO) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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