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Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Inv Trust - (IPU) share price history

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Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Inv Trust - (IPU) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
24/01/2025 374.03 378.31 374.03 378.00 70,047
23/01/2025 376.80 378.00 370.00 370.00 40,698
22/01/2025 379.77 380.00 376.00 377.00 63,402
21/01/2025 380.00 380.00 374.00 374.00 42,470
20/01/2025 381.00 382.00 376.25 377.50 35,695
17/01/2025 381.96 383.48 380.00 381.00 31,288
16/01/2025 373.02 381.00 373.02 379.00 25,582
15/01/2025 370.36 380.00 370.36 378.00 24,456
14/01/2025 371.00 373.00 367.00 368.50 53,208
13/01/2025 375.45 382.65 370.00 370.50 67,629
10/01/2025 385.00 385.00 375.00 376.00 28,469
09/01/2025 382.00 385.94 380.00 383.50 51,399
08/01/2025 388.00 390.00 378.89 380.50 176,982
07/01/2025 383.10 388.16 382.30 385.00 62,372
06/01/2025 384.11 389.16 382.84 386.00 53,294
03/01/2025 385.05 389.00 384.11 388.50 26,071
02/01/2025 386.10 390.00 383.25 390.00 32,219
31/12/2024 382.10 386.00 380.00 385.00 64,608
30/12/2024 382.40 385.00 379.00 379.00 35,085
27/12/2024 389.15 395.00 381.09 384.00 19,810
24/12/2024 386.27 395.00 386.09 390.50 13,920
23/12/2024 384.88 392.25 382.01 387.00 29,956
20/12/2024 383.88 390.00 381.00 390.00 71,562
19/12/2024 384.36 388.00 381.04 386.00 63,803
18/12/2024 389.60 392.00 386.00 386.00 30,323
17/12/2024 391.25 394.00 388.00 389.00 47,012
16/12/2024 400.00 406.00 394.00 394.00 29,549
13/12/2024 400.60 405.00 399.00 400.00 30,797
12/12/2024 403.60 406.00 400.49 401.00 26,899
11/12/2024 400.40 404.03 398.00 403.50 226,382

Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Inv Trust - (IPU) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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