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Crest Nicholson Holdings - (CRST) share price history

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Crest Nicholson Holdings - (CRST) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
17/01/2025 172.50 177.10 172.50 174.70 1,142,387
16/01/2025 170.00 172.90 167.00 172.90 859,836
15/01/2025 162.70 168.90 162.00 168.90 970,349
14/01/2025 150.20 163.00 150.10 161.00 2,103,902
13/01/2025 156.00 157.40 155.30 156.40 455,234
10/01/2025 160.00 162.30 156.00 156.50 475,676
09/01/2025 153.50 158.40 153.00 158.00 3,097,669
08/01/2025 161.00 163.24 155.70 155.70 879,851
07/01/2025 162.10 162.10 158.00 161.10 591,230
06/01/2025 163.60 167.80 160.58 163.30 613,304
03/01/2025 164.80 169.27 164.80 167.60 465,168
02/01/2025 169.40 169.50 166.30 167.00 210,751
31/12/2024 166.80 169.70 165.00 168.90 137,059
30/12/2024 168.00 169.07 165.10 166.10 115,768
27/12/2024 171.00 171.00 165.70 166.50 132,123
24/12/2024 166.10 170.98 166.10 168.30 214,104
23/12/2024 168.60 170.20 166.50 170.00 282,502
20/12/2024 170.30 170.30 164.60 168.40 959,537
19/12/2024 168.00 170.40 165.50 165.90 1,136,443
18/12/2024 170.60 172.30 166.00 171.10 396,729
17/12/2024 173.30 173.30 167.90 169.80 367,501
16/12/2024 166.80 171.00 165.30 168.90 283,483
13/12/2024 168.90 171.60 168.60 169.80 350,263
12/12/2024 171.00 171.00 167.40 170.00 270,433
11/12/2024 169.10 172.90 166.80 168.30 418,454
10/12/2024 172.40 172.75 169.89 170.90 314,518
09/12/2024 173.50 175.14 171.90 173.10 436,957
06/12/2024 171.70 175.40 168.70 173.60 704,890
05/12/2024 176.80 176.80 169.70 169.80 504,240
04/12/2024 169.30 174.10 169.00 172.40 1,100,952

Crest Nicholson Holdings - (CRST) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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