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Bluefield Solar Income Fund Limited - (BSIF) share price history

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Bluefield Solar Income Fund Limited - (BSIF) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
24/01/2025 85.40 86.30 84.20 85.50 1,022,329
23/01/2025 86.00 86.10 84.20 84.40 1,198,276
22/01/2025 87.60 88.50 86.00 86.00 528,886
21/01/2025 87.30 88.30 86.10 87.10 966,749
20/01/2025 86.40 87.00 86.00 86.50 999,119
17/01/2025 87.10 88.20 87.00 87.00 903,269
16/01/2025 86.50 87.40 85.40 87.40 1,473,800
15/01/2025 85.70 86.50 84.50 86.50 2,069,101
14/01/2025 84.80 85.50 83.50 85.40 1,490,823
13/01/2025 85.70 86.50 83.60 84.50 4,179,780
10/01/2025 88.73 90.20 85.60 85.60 1,258,566
09/01/2025 91.20 91.20 88.10 88.10 1,623,303
08/01/2025 92.10 92.80 89.50 89.50 1,537,107
07/01/2025 92.50 95.00 90.90 90.90 876,549
06/01/2025 94.90 95.30 93.00 93.00 1,068,047
03/01/2025 94.35 94.90 94.00 94.80 212,787
02/01/2025 94.30 95.00 92.30 94.60 362,069
31/12/2024 92.70 94.40 92.48 94.20 238,004
30/12/2024 92.40 93.90 92.30 92.30 230,896
27/12/2024 92.95 94.20 91.97 93.00 393,883
24/12/2024 91.98 93.00 91.98 92.60 201,526
23/12/2024 91.40 92.97 91.40 92.40 702,102
20/12/2024 92.30 92.70 91.50 92.70 1,350,541
19/12/2024 92.70 92.90 91.50 91.50 1,267,166
18/12/2024 93.60 95.20 92.60 92.60 540,165
17/12/2024 94.34 95.40 93.20 93.20 762,294
16/12/2024 95.26 95.80 94.50 94.50 1,566,742
13/12/2024 95.59 96.00 94.80 95.10 962,512
12/12/2024 95.10 96.40 95.10 95.80 562,950
11/12/2024 96.20 96.50 95.20 95.20 597,516

Bluefield Solar Income Fund Limited - (BSIF) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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