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Allianz Technology Trust - (ATT) share price history

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Allianz Technology Trust - (ATT) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
28/08/2024 358.01 363.00 348.50 349.00 722,093
27/08/2024 360.00 363.00 354.00 357.50 592,110
23/08/2024 365.00 365.50 359.21 363.00 639,389
22/08/2024 369.00 374.00 364.00 364.00 695,418
21/08/2024 371.66 376.00 367.00 372.00 856,881
20/08/2024 376.00 379.50 372.00 372.00 643,895
19/08/2024 371.48 375.50 366.50 371.00 409,800
16/08/2024 375.00 378.00 368.00 374.50 597,172
15/08/2024 370.00 375.00 365.98 375.00 837,381
14/08/2024 364.61 367.40 361.22 367.00 534,071
13/08/2024 360.50 361.50 354.70 360.50 827,950
12/08/2024 356.00 360.00 352.00 358.00 602,204
09/08/2024 351.58 359.35 350.00 354.00 662,411
08/08/2024 344.00 351.00 336.03 349.00 646,639
07/08/2024 343.50 354.00 343.50 351.50 606,978
06/08/2024 345.00 348.73 336.91 343.00 1,103,235
05/08/2024 332.50 339.00 306.00 337.00 2,567,104
02/08/2024 370.50 370.50 345.00 348.00 1,688,872
01/08/2024 367.92 382.00 365.50 373.50 1,406,823
31/07/2024 363.50 370.00 360.62 369.50 954,187
30/07/2024 360.00 367.50 355.00 361.50 789,607
29/07/2024 360.50 366.50 360.50 361.00 691,631
26/07/2024 357.50 361.50 357.00 360.00 909,215
25/07/2024 367.50 367.59 350.00 357.50 2,322,764
24/07/2024 381.00 383.00 368.72 369.00 709,937
23/07/2024 377.00 384.00 371.50 383.50 511,324
22/07/2024 374.00 378.50 367.50 377.00 640,789
19/07/2024 375.00 375.00 363.46 372.00 1,189,267
18/07/2024 387.00 388.50 368.25 370.00 1,624,181
17/07/2024 401.50 401.50 381.50 382.00 1,301,290

Allianz Technology Trust - (ATT) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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