Water Intelligence News
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Leak detection and remediation solutions firm Water Intelligence saw revenues and profits leap more than 45% in a trading year seen as a "jumping-off point" by directors.
Leak detection and remediation services firm Water Intelligence announced on Tuesday that it has acquired an American Leak Detection South Florida franchise.
Leak detection and remediation services group Water Intelligence picked up another American Leak Detection franchise operation on Tuesday, shooting to solidify its foothold in the South Florida area as it firms up its plans for international expansion.
(WebFG News) - Leak detection firm Water Intelligence's share price was boosted on Wednesday as it reported that growth of all business lines led to a 40% sales increase to $5.3m in Q1, compared to the same period in 2017.
Water Intelligence has acquired its franchise in California for $252,000 after raising £4.2m in a placing to fund several acquisitions, the company said on Thursday.
Leak detection and remediation services provider Water Intelligence raised approximately £4.2m on Wednesday as part of an oversubscribed placing and subscription through the issue of more than 2.1m new ordinary shares to fund the purchase of American Leak Detection, a franchise based in Louisville, Kentucky.
Multinational provider of precision, minimally-invasive leak detection and remediation solutions, Water Intelligence, announced a contract between its Sydney, Australia corporate location and Hunter Water Corporation, a state-owned water company, on Monday.
AIM-listed Water Intelligence said it had signed a second national contract with a major US insurance company to "pinpoint leaks" minimise home and business collateral damage claims.
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