Vast Resources News
Here are all todays headlines related to Vast Resources News. If you wish to drill deeper to view past Vast Resources News items, follow the next 20 headlines link at the foot of the page.
The board of AIM-listed mining company Vast Resources was seeking the approval of its shareholders to issue new equity share capital, up to an undisclosed limit, and to disapply statutory pre-emption rights.
Mining and resource development firm Vast Resources announced on Wednesday that it has taken steps to gain the right to mine at the Baita Plai Polymetallic Mine in Romania.
Romania and Zimbabwe-focussed mining company Vast Resources updated the market on its operations and production for the three months ended 31 March on Tuesday, reporting another record quarter for the Pickstone-Peerless Gold Mine in Zimbabwe.
African-focused explorer Botswana Diamonds on Tuesday said it had signed a memorandum of understanding with fellow AIM-quoted miner Vast Resources.
(WebFG News) - AIM-listed mining company Vast Resources announced on Friday that it has acquired a 23.75% economic interest in the Eureka gold mine in Zimbabwe through an acquisition made by a subsidiary.
Romania and Zimbabwe-focussed mining company Vast Resources announced on Thursday that, as part of the arrangements towards finalisation of the proposed $9.5m pre-payment offtake agreement with Mercuria Energy Trading, it has issued 565 million warrants in terms of the authority from shareholders granted at the general meeting on 14 February.
Mining company Vast Resources' shares dropped over 7% Friday after announcing that it will give Mercuria Energy Group a further two weeks to finalise its pre-payment offtake.
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