Ultra Electronics Holdings News
Here are all todays headlines related to Ultra Electronics Holdings News. If you wish to drill deeper to view past Ultra Electronics Holdings News items, follow the next 20 headlines link at the foot of the page.
FTSE 250 defence company Ultra Electronics reiterated on Friday that it expects to make "modest" progress in constant currency underlying revenue and operating profit this year, and that the cash performance will be more heavily weighted to the second half.
The UK's Serious Fraud Office has opened a criminal investigation into suspected corruption in the conduct of Ultra Electronics' business in Algeria.
Berenberg upped Ultra Electronics to 'hold' from 'sell' on Friday, lifting the price target to 1,440p from 1,300p.
TalkTalk: RBC downgrades to sector perform with a target price of 125p.
Ultra Electronics announced the appointment of Simon Pryce as its chief executive officer on Thursday, confirming he will join the group and its board on 18 June.
JP Morgan has downgraded Ultra Electronics to 'neutral', citing a reduced outlook for 2018 earnings and increased competition for providing sonobuoys to the US Navy.
On top of a damp squib set of annual results, Ultra Electronics has revealed that its agreed takeover of US-based rival Sparton has been blocked on antitrust grounds.
Defence contractors such as Babcock, Ultra Electronics and QinetiQ were rattled by an official report that the budget to arm Britain's military could be facing a funding shortfall of anywhere between £4.9bn and £20.8bn.
Ultra Electronics updated the market on its planned merger with Sparton Corporation on Wednesday.
Cyclicals are pacing gains, led by miners and aerospace and defence issues.
Defence contractor Ultra Electronics on Thursday said it had "significant exposure" to a strengthening US defence budget, adding that it expected modest progress in underlying revenue and operating profit for 2018.
Shares in UK defence company Ultra Electronics slumped on Friday following a report that the UK defence review has been delayed.
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