Stock Spirits Group News
Here are all todays headlines related to Stock Spirits Group News. If you wish to drill deeper to view past Stock Spirits Group News items, follow the next 20 headlines link at the foot of the page.
Hunting: Canaccord downgrades to hold with a target price of 850p.
Branded spirits and liqueurs producer Stock Spirits Group announced its results for the year ended 31 December on Wednesday, with revenue rising 5.2% to 274.6m, and 3.0% on a constant currency basis.
Spirits distilling company Stock Spirits Group announced that momentum from its strong first half had carried on to the second, with the firm expecting results for the full-year to come in slightly ahead of expectations.
UK businesses that are resilient to a domestic slowdown and have significant exposure to growing overseas markets are the foundation for JP Morgan Cazenove's top small and mid-cap share picks for 2018, including BBA Aviation, Clarkson and Hollywood Bowl.
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