St. Modwen Properties News
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St. Modwen issued an update on its trading to 31 May on Tuesday, reporting that over the past six months it continued to focus on delivering against its four strategic objectives of portfolio focus and capital discipline, accelerating its commercial development activity, grow its residential and housebuilding business, and cement and grow its regeneration reputation.
Property regeneration specialist St Modwen Properties disposed of two of its retail assets in separate transactions on Wednesday at a combined discount to book value, trimming its retail portfolio by 27% as a result.
St. Modwen has completed the forward-sale of 207 private rented sector units at its 1,300-home mixed-use regeneration project at St Andrew's Park, Uxbridge, to Annington Rentals No.4, it announced on Thursday, for a total cash consideration of £75m, upon the occurrence of certain construction milestones.
St Modwen Properties reported its new strategy was on track as the regeneration-focused property company reported solid annual results on Tuesday.
St. Modwen on Friday said it had completed the sale of its leasehold interest in student accommodation at Swansea University Bay Campus for £87.3m to University Partnerships Programme.
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