Reckitt Benckiser Group News
Here are all todays headlines related to Reckitt Benckiser Group News. If you wish to drill deeper to view past Reckitt Benckiser Group News items, follow the next 20 headlines link at the foot of the page.
Quality and momentum are highly prized among investors looking for reliable investment ideas. That's because good quality stocks tend to be resilient, ...
Quality and momentum are highly prized among investors looking for reliable investment ideas. That's because good quality stocks tend to be resilient, ...
Dividend paying stocks like Reckitt Benckiser Group plc tend to be popular with investors, and for good reason - some research suggests a significant amount of all stock market re ...
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (LON:RB.) is about to trade ex-dividend in the next 3 days. You will need to purchase shares before the 16th of April to receive the dividend, which will be paid on the ...
18-03-2020 - HSBC today reaffirms its buy investment rating on Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC [LON:RB.] and cut its price target to 6800p (from 7100p).
The rational investor can take advantage of this mispricing. Stockopedia’s Momentum Rank is a convenient way of summarising the momentum attributes of a stock - let’s use Reckitt Benckiser (LON:RB.) ...
Reckitt Benckiser Group (LON:RB) has been assigned a GBX 6,300 ($82.87) target price by equities research analysts at Goldman Sachs Group in a report issued on Monday, Borsen Zeitung reports. The firm ...
JPMorgan Chase & Co. restated their buy rating on shares of Reckitt Benckiser Group (LON:RB) in a research report report published on Friday, Borsen Zeitung reports. Several other brokerages also ...
31-10-2019 - DZ Bank today reaffirms its hold investment rating on Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC [LON:RB.] and cut its price target to 6000p (from 6500p).
08-10-2019 - Barclays Capital today reaffirms its overweight investment rating on Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC [LON:RB.] and cut its price target to 75p (from 77p).
09-07-2019 - Barclays Capital today reaffirms its overweight investment rating on Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC [LON:RB.] and raised its price target to 8100p (from 7500p). ...
The Reckitt Benckiser (LON:RB.) share price has risen by 4.77% over the past month and it’s currently trading at 6531p. For investors considering whether to buy, hold or sell the stock, the question ...
These companies have unrivaled track records and sparkling reputations, as well as the ability to deliver stunning returns over long periods - and Reckitt Benckiser (LON:RB.) is a good example. What ...
Reckitt Benckiser Group (LON:RB) had its price target decreased by equities research analysts at Credit Suisse Group from GBX 6,000 ($78.40) to GBX 5,800 ($75.79) in a note issued to investors on Tues...
Shares in Reckitt Benckiser (LON:RB) have fallen deep into the red in today’s session, as Jefferies lowered its rating on the consumer goods group. The move comes after earlier this month, ...
Shares in Reckitt Benckiser (LON:RB) have fallen into the red in today’s session as the group said that its chief executive Rakesh Kapoor was planning to step down from the company. The maker of ...
Go-ahead: Deutsche Bank downgrades to hold with a target price of 1,840p.
(WebFG News) - BAE Systems: Berenberg upgrades to buy with a target price of 700p.
(WebFG News) - Durex, Dettol and Strepsils maker Reckitt Benckiser reported sales growth continued in the first quarter where it left off last year, but confirmed negative pricing in its home and hygiene division.
Analysts at Credit Suisse took a fresh look at consumer goods giant Reckitt Benckiser on Tuesday, downgrading the firm's shares from 'neutral' to 'underperform' based on a new and "in-depth analysis of its top-line growth" over the last two years.
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