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Weiss Korea Opportunity Fund Ltd - (WKOF) share price history

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Weiss Korea Opportunity Fund Ltd - (WKOF) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
24/01/2025 165.48 165.48 165.48 165.48 515
23/01/2025 164.89 164.89 164.89 164.89 680
22/01/2025 136.00 136.00 136.00 136.00 0
21/01/2025 133.50 141.30 133.50 136.00 8,493
20/01/2025 163.29 163.29 163.29 163.29 2
17/01/2025 162.12 162.12 162.12 162.12 39,000
16/01/2025 161.63 161.63 161.63 161.63 0
15/01/2025 134.50 135.50 134.50 135.50 13,000
14/01/2025 159.70 159.70 159.70 159.70 0
13/01/2025 132.15 135.50 131.85 135.50 50,749
10/01/2025 132.10 141.35 132.10 135.50 4,170
09/01/2025 131.00 141.35 131.00 135.50 5,986
08/01/2025 159.61 159.61 159.61 159.61 3,980
07/01/2025 158.13 158.13 158.13 158.13 45,674
06/01/2025 134.13 135.50 134.13 135.50 400,000
03/01/2025 157.49 157.49 157.49 157.49 4,000
02/01/2025 131.00 135.50 131.00 135.50 44,484
31/12/2024 135.50 135.50 135.50 135.50 0
30/12/2024 139.00 139.00 136.00 136.00 25,000
27/12/2024 140.40 140.40 137.00 137.00 704
24/12/2024 132.00 137.00 132.00 137.00 2
23/12/2024 132.00 137.00 132.00 137.00 5,000
20/12/2024 156.81 156.81 156.81 156.81 25,000
19/12/2024 135.00 137.00 135.00 137.00 43,908
18/12/2024 159.48 159.48 159.48 159.48 72,212
17/12/2024 157.27 157.27 157.27 157.27 0
16/12/2024 159.81 159.81 159.81 159.81 8,559
13/12/2024 135.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 1
12/12/2024 137.50 137.50 132.25 137.00 22,220
11/12/2024 156.64 156.64 156.64 156.64 12,857

Weiss Korea Opportunity Fund Ltd - (WKOF) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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