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Lancashire Holdings Limited - (LRE) share price history

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Lancashire Holdings Limited - (LRE) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
28/08/2024 686.00 686.00 668.00 676.00 153,505
27/08/2024 674.00 677.00 655.99 677.00 290,631
23/08/2024 684.00 684.00 661.00 669.00 615,342
22/08/2024 677.00 686.02 661.00 669.00 305,554
21/08/2024 659.00 665.00 648.00 661.00 209,541
20/08/2024 662.00 662.00 645.00 653.00 452,627
19/08/2024 649.00 654.00 645.00 647.00 204,106
16/08/2024 658.00 666.60 650.00 650.00 177,105
15/08/2024 681.00 681.00 649.76 655.00 210,657
14/08/2024 658.00 669.00 657.00 665.00 167,970
13/08/2024 657.00 660.00 648.50 658.00 296,426
12/08/2024 628.00 652.00 626.00 652.00 416,508
09/08/2024 595.00 626.00 593.00 624.00 223,959
08/08/2024 605.00 621.00 577.40 589.00 494,910
07/08/2024 601.00 606.00 587.00 600.00 246,944
06/08/2024 584.00 602.00 579.20 588.00 303,469
05/08/2024 608.00 608.00 583.00 583.00 372,508
02/08/2024 639.00 639.00 613.00 615.00 273,098
01/08/2024 625.00 642.00 623.00 628.00 285,938
31/07/2024 654.00 654.00 629.00 634.00 253,033
30/07/2024 605.00 642.00 605.00 640.00 248,538
29/07/2024 616.00 637.00 616.00 620.00 170,810
26/07/2024 603.00 631.00 603.00 627.00 226,395
25/07/2024 602.00 618.00 600.00 618.00 245,116
24/07/2024 598.00 612.00 598.00 608.00 155,994
23/07/2024 621.00 621.00 600.00 604.00 178,325
22/07/2024 600.00 617.18 600.00 609.00 179,805
19/07/2024 614.00 617.54 597.00 614.00 142,679
18/07/2024 636.00 636.00 617.00 618.00 227,846
17/07/2024 613.00 626.00 611.00 624.00 149,426

Lancashire Holdings Limited - (LRE) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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