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Invesco Perpetual Select Trust Glbl Eqty Inc Shs - (IVPG) share price history

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Invesco Perpetual Select Trust Glbl Eqty Inc Shs - (IVPG) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
22/05/2024 286.00 286.00 274.00 282.00 31,822
20/05/2024 272.00 279.00 272.00 278.00 38,471
17/05/2024 282.00 282.00 272.00 272.00 45,804
16/05/2024 282.00 282.00 272.00 272.00 45,804
15/05/2024 274.00 282.00 274.00 282.00 23,412
14/05/2024 280.50 280.50 273.90 278.00 28,960
13/05/2024 274.00 280.60 272.00 280.00 20,245
10/05/2024 280.00 282.00 272.00 279.00 40,243
09/05/2024 275.92 286.00 270.00 272.00 52,084
08/05/2024 272.77 286.00 268.00 286.00 38,239
07/05/2024 269.31 279.84 269.28 273.00 11,674
03/05/2024 272.40 279.84 265.00 272.00 22,664
02/05/2024 263.02 274.00 263.02 269.00 17,261
01/05/2024 273.44 273.44 263.46 268.00 15,648
30/04/2024 273.60 273.60 263.22 268.00 4,766
29/04/2024 274.24 274.24 262.40 268.00 10,402
26/04/2024 276.00 276.00 262.84 269.00 15,577
25/04/2024 270.43 271.85 267.00 267.00 14,246
24/04/2024 272.43 276.00 264.16 276.00 11,658
23/04/2024 271.84 271.84 269.00 269.00 10,567
22/04/2024 272.00 276.00 268.00 268.00 5,932
19/04/2024 272.10 272.10 261.00 268.00 4,637
18/04/2024 272.25 276.00 265.36 276.00 2,548
17/04/2024 272.25 272.25 268.00 268.00 5,610
16/04/2024 268.00 268.00 268.00 268.00 0
15/04/2024 272.48 272.48 264.18 268.00 29,970
12/04/2024 272.48 272.48 268.00 268.00 603
11/04/2024 272.38 272.38 263.54 268.00 22,590
10/04/2024 263.06 272.48 263.00 268.00 13,256
09/04/2024 272.62 272.80 268.00 268.00 11,715

Invesco Perpetual Select Trust Glbl Eqty Inc Shs - (IVPG) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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