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International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (CDI) - (IAG) share price history

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International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (CDI) - (IAG) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
21/01/2025 323.00 331.80 322.70 328.50 24,649,869
20/01/2025 318.40 325.80 317.00 322.70 19,818,266
17/01/2025 315.00 318.50 314.30 317.50 15,700,327
16/01/2025 318.00 320.50 311.80 312.60 12,774,503
15/01/2025 308.20 318.00 307.70 317.00 22,490,869
14/01/2025 307.30 312.20 305.59 309.40 15,513,092
13/01/2025 314.50 314.50 302.00 304.60 24,366,803
10/01/2025 312.30 316.90 305.40 315.90 26,463,212
09/01/2025 308.60 313.70 306.50 312.80 23,120,932
08/01/2025 304.20 310.00 303.70 306.80 64,264,584
07/01/2025 297.30 304.90 296.00 304.50 17,626,501
06/01/2025 298.30 299.16 276.50 296.60 25,412,482
03/01/2025 303.80 305.00 295.77 298.90 76,337,938
02/01/2025 300.40 304.80 293.70 302.60 14,523,237
31/12/2024 301.60 304.40 299.80 301.90 3,666,883
30/12/2024 299.60 304.10 298.60 304.10 9,797,431
27/12/2024 302.40 304.20 298.20 302.10 19,504,509
24/12/2024 300.90 305.00 299.10 301.50 6,753,428
23/12/2024 305.80 308.30 300.70 301.60 14,433,975
20/12/2024 305.00 307.50 300.50 305.80 24,392,223
19/12/2024 297.30 303.21 296.50 302.00 16,918,622
18/12/2024 300.60 305.00 300.00 302.80 21,200,963
17/12/2024 295.40 300.10 295.40 297.30 16,935,037
16/12/2024 292.20 298.60 292.00 296.40 15,551,477
13/12/2024 290.40 296.20 290.40 293.20 16,634,274
12/12/2024 289.50 295.60 289.00 291.80 19,313,527
11/12/2024 284.00 290.80 284.00 288.00 17,089,239
10/12/2024 278.90 283.60 273.90 282.00 13,178,919
09/12/2024 284.90 287.00 280.80 281.10 17,354,007
06/12/2024 282.70 286.60 281.12 283.30 16,410,990

International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (CDI) - (IAG) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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