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Historical Share Prices

Grafton Group Ut - (GFTU) share price history

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Grafton Group Ut - (GFTU) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
24/12/2024 955.00 969.70 955.00 957.00 28,674
23/12/2024 937.30 958.00 937.30 952.20 64,169
20/12/2024 932.60 962.22 932.60 961.10 739,629
19/12/2024 950.00 957.20 945.20 954.70 309,566
18/12/2024 928.40 962.60 928.40 962.20 201,444
17/12/2024 952.50 954.80 944.70 945.10 240,738
16/12/2024 983.40 994.10 957.40 957.50 127,619
13/12/2024 935.90 971.00 935.90 961.70 135,303
12/12/2024 970.20 970.20 958.20 959.20 122,693
11/12/2024 979.60 979.60 950.00 962.90 117,377
10/12/2024 960.00 971.40 953.64 957.40 168,954
09/12/2024 980.00 980.00 953.40 966.80 186,015
06/12/2024 973.00 973.00 950.20 964.30 181,075
05/12/2024 950.00 952.70 929.00 952.70 203,012
04/12/2024 947.10 947.10 926.50 935.00 368,581
03/12/2024 949.90 949.90 924.30 929.10 250,175
02/12/2024 915.30 945.40 903.90 930.40 276,286
29/11/2024 945.80 947.10 933.30 941.70 230,425
28/11/2024 933.60 945.00 925.90 942.80 334,329
27/11/2024 940.00 944.40 926.30 931.30 844,908
26/11/2024 945.00 950.10 938.00 938.40 178,931
25/11/2024 953.00 961.80 941.90 952.70 412,130
22/11/2024 965.70 965.70 943.80 961.20 420,817
21/11/2024 930.00 964.20 930.00 943.70 453,830
20/11/2024 982.70 983.40 942.40 953.70 163,032
19/11/2024 974.20 974.40 964.90 969.00 234,280
18/11/2024 994.00 994.00 965.00 969.50 244,598
15/11/2024 930.80 981.80 930.80 971.60 1,902,678
14/11/2024 956.80 967.70 950.00 955.00 631,799
13/11/2024 940.00 966.00 940.00 950.00 212,438

Grafton Group Ut - (GFTU) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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