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Bucher Industries AG - (0QQN) share price history

Bucher Industries AG share price0QQN share price trades0QQN Fundamentals watchlistADD to watchlist
Bucher Industries AG - (0QQN) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
17/01/2025 330.00 334.50 330.00 334.50 110
16/01/2025 325.00 328.00 318.00 327.50 371
15/01/2025 321.50 323.50 320.50 323.00 577
14/01/2025 322.50 323.50 321.00 321.00 216
13/01/2025 322.50 322.50 320.00 321.50 516
10/01/2025 324.00 327.00 323.50 324.00 1,086
09/01/2025 326.00 329.50 323.50 325.00 353
08/01/2025 334.50 334.50 329.00 330.00 122
07/01/2025 334.00 335.50 332.50 333.00 258
06/01/2025 329.50 334.50 329.50 332.29 596
03/01/2025 329.50 329.50 328.50 328.50 122
02/01/2025 326.00 326.00 326.00 326.00 0
30/12/2024 326.50 328.50 325.50 326.00 319
27/12/2024 325.00 327.50 325.00 327.50 209
23/12/2024 323.50 325.00 323.50 324.50 132
20/12/2024 317.00 325.00 317.00 324.50 1,383
19/12/2024 326.00 326.00 319.50 319.50 1,114
18/12/2024 332.00 332.00 328.00 328.00 586
17/12/2024 327.50 330.50 327.50 330.00 121
16/12/2024 332.00 332.00 326.50 328.66 356
13/12/2024 333.00 333.50 331.50 332.50 574
12/12/2024 338.50 338.50 335.00 335.00 174
11/12/2024 335.00 337.00 333.00 334.50 1,129
10/12/2024 340.50 340.50 335.00 335.00 366
09/12/2024 343.50 343.50 340.50 340.50 224
06/12/2024 340.00 340.50 339.00 340.50 122
05/12/2024 343.50 343.50 340.50 342.00 749
04/12/2024 342.00 345.00 342.00 344.50 241
03/12/2024 345.00 345.00 342.50 342.50 319
02/12/2024 342.50 345.00 341.50 342.00 316

Bucher Industries AG - (0QQN) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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