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JKX Oil & Gas - (JKX) share price history

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JKX Oil & Gas - (JKX) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
26/08/2021 28.00 28.70 28.00 28.50 145,038
25/08/2021 26.90 29.00 26.76 27.75 151,112
24/08/2021 25.45 27.30 25.45 27.00 193,756
23/08/2021 25.33 25.95 25.16 25.25 288,286
20/08/2021 25.00 26.00 25.00 26.00 100,013
19/08/2021 25.75 25.75 24.71 25.00 127,764
18/08/2021 27.85 28.00 25.40 25.40 183,232
17/08/2021 27.13 28.00 27.13 28.00 36,156
16/08/2021 27.38 27.90 27.12 27.50 34,107
13/08/2021 26.50 27.40 26.50 27.25 17,664
12/08/2021 28.65 30.25 26.50 27.50 240,194
11/08/2021 29.65 30.10 28.70 29.50 80,601
10/08/2021 28.50 30.50 28.50 29.50 103,669
09/08/2021 28.98 31.45 28.18 28.80 186,750
06/08/2021 28.50 29.10 28.16 28.50 27,763
05/08/2021 28.50 29.10 28.10 28.50 38,153
04/08/2021 28.98 28.98 28.25 28.50 13,583
03/08/2021 28.00 28.45 28.00 28.45 42,334
02/08/2021 28.40 28.50 26.80 28.50 57,920
30/07/2021 28.40 29.40 27.00 28.00 24,005
29/07/2021 28.56 29.00 27.50 28.00 201,478
28/07/2021 29.75 29.75 28.39 29.00 64,695
27/07/2021 29.00 29.60 28.40 29.00 14,596
26/07/2021 27.42 29.80 27.42 29.00 122,861
23/07/2021 27.40 27.70 27.40 27.40 10,345
22/07/2021 26.80 26.80 26.80 26.80 16,210
21/07/2021 26.85 28.00 26.80 27.00 71,733
20/07/2021 27.20 28.00 26.30 27.50 189,229
19/07/2021 27.00 29.00 26.00 27.00 224,380
16/07/2021 26.50 28.00 26.13 27.00 56,343

JKX Oil & Gas - (JKX) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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