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Live Charts UK established in 2004 and trades as a registered Limited company in the UK. Read About Us Here..

Due to the amount of Spam and Junk mail we receive we no longer provide a contact form. You can email our admin account on the address below. We will reply asap.

Please note. We need a working e mail address so we can help you with issues. Our e mail system collects the senders IP address, location and ISP for security and abuse purposes.If you have any other query regardng the site or a problem using Live Charts then don't hesitate to drop us an E mail.


Launched online in 2004 by active traders who seen a need for free real time stock market information and data tools that were only available from subscription websites.

Starting of as a hobby project (in between trades) with a few pages of chart tools it soon became apparent that other traders found it a useful service. At this point a message board was added along with further tools and in no time an active community was thriving and discussing the markets. From this community we took ideas and implemented them into the site in the form of share prices, watch lists, market trend forecasts and daily technical charts to name just a few. Adding into the mix our financial news blog where active members have turned to journalists with commentary on global economics.

The owners of are still actively trading and are constantly searching for new tools to improve the service. If you have an idea you would like to see on the site, get in touch. Maybe we can build an "app for that".

You can contact us via email above, or by post at the address below. We removed our phone number, as we are an independently owned website, getting constant phone calls for unsolicited business services.


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If you wish to advertise on our website contact us using the form above and we can discuss further possibilities.

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