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Geiger Counter Limited - (GCL) share price history

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Geiger Counter Limited - (GCL) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
13/05/2024 54.80 54.80 52.60 52.80 516,643
10/05/2024 55.18 56.73 54.20 55.10 393,494
09/05/2024 54.00 56.55 51.00 55.10 1,396,122
08/05/2024 57.37 57.74 51.00 54.50 980,728
07/05/2024 56.90 57.70 55.21 56.90 779,439
03/05/2024 55.23 56.40 55.00 55.90 1,004,692
02/05/2024 55.90 56.71 55.20 55.90 250,649
01/05/2024 53.40 56.00 53.40 55.50 1,164,358
30/04/2024 54.66 55.80 53.60 54.30 768,647
29/04/2024 53.37 56.00 53.37 54.50 641,982
26/04/2024 52.80 53.50 52.80 53.50 528,732
25/04/2024 53.80 54.00 53.00 53.50 343,403
24/04/2024 53.55 54.19 53.45 54.00 773,141
23/04/2024 53.40 53.80 53.10 53.50 414,964
22/04/2024 52.00 53.50 51.86 53.50 689,103
19/04/2024 52.20 52.20 50.00 51.50 1,193,335
18/04/2024 52.90 53.75 52.00 53.00 257,093
17/04/2024 53.08 54.40 52.20 53.00 342,683
16/04/2024 55.25 55.25 52.00 53.00 538,329
15/04/2024 55.62 56.70 55.10 55.50 572,259
12/04/2024 55.17 56.90 54.67 55.50 812,940
11/04/2024 53.30 55.70 53.30 54.50 757,635
10/04/2024 53.88 54.34 52.33 53.50 451,629
09/04/2024 54.20 55.24 53.25 54.00 528,392
08/04/2024 54.00 55.96 54.00 55.00 814,794
05/04/2024 55.30 56.00 54.00 55.00 991,385
04/04/2024 55.58 57.00 53.50 56.00 891,675
03/04/2024 52.47 55.70 52.10 54.50 632,940
02/04/2024 51.00 54.90 51.00 52.50 820,364
28/03/2024 50.30 50.58 49.00 50.00 594,470

Geiger Counter Limited - (GCL) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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