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Value and Income Trust - (VIN) share price history

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Value and Income Trust - (VIN) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
29/03/2021 267.37 267.37 267.37 267.37 0
26/03/2021 219.00 223.40 218.00 220.50 13,744
25/03/2021 220.00 225.00 217.00 221.50 121,673
24/03/2021 219.00 220.00 219.00 220.00 5,457
23/03/2021 220.00 223.00 212.00 218.00 88,507
22/03/2021 217.00 224.00 216.00 221.50 27,014
19/03/2021 217.00 221.00 215.00 221.00 77,426
18/03/2021 217.00 221.00 215.00 220.50 96,520
17/03/2021 208.00 215.00 207.00 215.00 45,168
16/03/2021 205.00 213.00 204.00 210.50 71,692
12/03/2021 214.00 214.45 204.00 212.00 15,724
11/03/2021 212.00 220.00 210.00 215.00 43,653
10/03/2021 216.00 222.30 212.00 212.00 12,177
09/03/2021 222.00 223.00 211.35 218.00 26,297
08/03/2021 215.00 222.20 212.50 216.00 45,257
05/03/2021 219.00 220.00 212.76 215.00 9,569
04/03/2021 218.00 219.00 211.00 212.00 10,788
03/03/2021 225.00 225.00 217.00 220.00 112,038
02/03/2021 225.00 225.00 218.14 225.00 48,527
01/03/2021 225.00 225.00 218.00 221.50 22,723
26/02/2021 216.00 218.20 214.00 217.00 25,865
25/02/2021 228.00 228.00 215.76 217.50 19,291
24/02/2021 220.00 227.00 218.13 224.00 39,433
23/02/2021 225.00 225.00 218.13 222.50 56,539
22/02/2021 220.00 224.00 220.00 222.50 28,203
19/02/2021 220.00 224.45 218.00 218.00 44,257
18/02/2021 225.00 225.00 218.55 225.00 62,984
17/02/2021 219.00 225.00 218.12 222.50 51,167
16/02/2021 225.00 225.00 218.25 225.00 41,698
15/02/2021 220.00 221.99 218.10 220.50 33,229

Value and Income Trust - (VIN) open - high - low - close prices

Share prices are end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.
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