Forex Outlook for the Week Ending September 28th

Major economic events to affect the trading of forex markets and currencies trading for the week ending September 28th, 2012 are as follows:

On Monday, September 24th, 2012, data on IFO business climate, expectations and current assessment was reported in Germany. United States came up with data on manufacturing activity while US Federal Reserve’s official Williams addressed at event at City Club of San Francisco. In Japan, the Central Bank released minutes of its monetary policy meeting while Bank of Japan’s Deputy Governor Yamaguchi addressed at an event in Tokyo.

On Tuesday, September 25th, 2012, data on Gfk consumer confidence survey was published in Germany while France reported its data on production outlook indicator, business confidence indicator and own company production outlook. In Italy data on consumer confidence and hourly wages was published while the Italy’s central bank auctioned its bonds to be matured in 2014, 2016 and 2021. Moreover, ECB President, Mario Draghi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met to discuss region’s monetary issues.

In United States, S&P/Case-Shille home price index along with Richmond Fed manufacturing index was released. United States also released its data on consumer confidence while US Federal Reserve’s official Plosser also spoke on economic outlook in Philadelphia. In Canada, data on retail sales was published.

United Kingdom reported its data on house prices while Bank of England’s official Paul Fisher addressed at an event in London.

On Wednesday, Germany reported its data on consumer price index. United States published its report on new home sales and MBA mortgage applications while the Energy Information Administration released its inventories data on crude oil, gasoline and distillates. In United Kingdom, data on CBI reports sales was published.

On Thursday, September 27th, Germany will report its data on import price index, unemployment rate, unemployment change and M3 money supply while in the euro zone, figures on services confidence, business climate indicator, economic confidence, industrial confidence and consumer confidence will be reported.

United States will report its data on continuing claims, core personal consumption expenditure, gross domestic product, personal consumption, initial jobless claims, durable goods orders, pending home sales and preliminary benchmark revision to establishment employment. The EIA will also report its data on natural gas supplies.

In United Kingdom, data on total business investment, current account and gross domestic product is expected. Australia will report its official figure on job vacancies while in Japan, data on Japan’s investment in foreign bonds & stocks and foreign investment in Japanese bonds and stocks will be reported.

On Friday, September 28th, 2012, France is expected to release its data on gross domestic product, retail sales and consumer prices index estimate. In United States, data on personal consumption expenditure, personal spending, personal income, purchasing managers’ index and confidence index by University of Michigan will be released. Canada will report its data on gross domestic product.

In United Kingdom, data on index of services and consumer confidence survey will be reported. Australia is expected to report its data on private sector credit while in Japan several reports will be published including, data on retail trade, industrial production, consumer price index, construction order, housing starts, household spending, jobless rate and job to applicant ratio.


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