Forex Outlook for the Week Ending July 27th

By in Currency Articles | July 25, 2012 23:50 | Tags: ,

List of major economic events to affect the forex markets and currency movements for the week ending, July 27th, 2012 are as under:

On Monday, July 23rd, data on consumer confidence was published in the euro zone while United States presented its Fed Nat activity index. Switzerland reported the data on M3 money supply. In Australia, data on producer price index was published while Japan released its monthly economic report.

On Tuesday, France and Germany reported data on purchasing managers’ index for the manufacturing and the services sector while a separate report on PMI for services and manufacturing sector was released for the single currency region. France also released its data on business confidence indicator, company production outlook and production outlook indicator on Tuesday. In United States, data on house price index, purchasing managers’ index and manufacturing index by Richmond Fed was released. Canada published its data on retail sales.

In United Kingdom, figure on BBA loans for house purchase was reported. In Japan, official data on reserve assets and small business confidence was published.

On Wednesday, Germany came up with data on import price index while IFO institute presented the data on economic expectations, current assessment and business climate for Germany. In United States, data on MBA mortgage applications and new home sales was published while the Energy Information Administration released its supplies data for crude oil, gasoline and distillates. In Canada Teranet/National Bank HP index was released.

United Kingdom reported its official figure on gross domestic product, index of services, CBI business optimism, CBI trends selling prices and CBI trends total orders.

Australia released its conference board leading index while Japan reported its official data on trade balance, trade imports and trade exports.


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