Forex Outlook for the Week Ending June 15th

Major economic factors which could significantly impact the forex markets and currencies trading for the week ending June 15th, 2012 are as under:

On Monday, France reported its data on industrial production and manufacturing production in the euro zone. Italy also reported its official figures on gross domestic product. United Kingdom came up with data on employment confidence.

In United States, US Federal Reserve’s officials, Lockhart and Williams gave an address on US economy in Chicago and San Francisco respectively. Japan reported its data on M3 money supply, consumer confidence, machine tool orders and BSI all industry index.

On Tuesday, June 12th, 2012, France reported its data on non-farm payrolls while Germany published its outlook on manpower employment for the third quarter. The European Central Bank also released its financial stability review on Tuesday. United States came up with data on import price index, NFIB small business optimism and economic optimism. US monthly budget statement was also presented while the US Fed’s official Tarullo spoke on shadow banking in San Francisco.

In United Kingdom, data on industrial production and manufacturing production was produced along with gross domestic product growth rate. In Switzerland, SECO released its economic forecasts for June 2012.

Australia released its manpower survey, business conditions and business confidence while Japan released its data on loans and discounts corp, tertiary industry index, domestic corporate goods price index and manpower survey,

On Wednesday, June 13th, 2012, data on consumer price index is expected in the Germany while the euro zone is to release its data on industrial production. In Switzerland, data on producer and import price is expected.

In United States, several reports will be published including data on MBA mortgage applications, advance retail sales, producer price index and business inventories. The Energy Information Administration is also expected to report its inventories report on crude oil, gasoline and distillates.

Australia is to report its data on consumer confidence index while Reserve Bank of Australia’s governor Stevens will address at Gillard’s Economic Forum in Brisbane. Japan has reported its data on machine orders today.

On Thursday, June 14th, 2012, Germany will report its data on wholesale price index while Italy will produce its data on general government debt. Data on labor costs and consumer price index will be published for the euro zone while the European Central Bank will release its monthly report for June. Swiss National Bank will announce its interest rate decision.

In the United States, data on initial jobless claims, current account balance, continuing claims, consumer price index and natural gas supplies data by EIA will be published. Canada is expected to report its data on housing price index and capacity utilization rate while the Bank of Canada will publish its financial system review.

In Australia, data on consumer inflation expectations will be published. Japan is expected to report its data on capacity utilization, industrial production, foreign buying in Japanese bonds & stocks and Japan’s investment in foreign stocks and bonds.

On Friday, June 15th, in euro zone, data employment, trade balance and new cars registrations is expected. United States will come up with data on long term TIC flows, manufacturing data, capacity utilization, industrial production and confidence index by University of Michigan. Canada will report its data on manufacturing shipments on Friday.

In United Kingdom, data on trade balance will be published. In Japan, the central bank will announce its interest rate decision.


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