Forex Markets Outlook for the Week Ending June 8th, 2012

Major economic factors which could impact the forex markets and currency trading for the week ending June 8th, 2012, are as follows:

On Monday, June 4th, data on Sentix investor confidence and producer price index was released in the euro zone. In United States, data on factory orders was published while Institute of Supply Management released its activity index for New York.

Australia reported its data on securities inflation, and inventories while Japan published its report on monetary base.

On Tuesday, purchasing managers’ index for services sector was reported in Italy, France, Germany and separately for the single currency region. Germany also reported its data on factory orders while euro zone published its retail sales data. In United States, ISM’s non manufacturing composite index was released. Canada reported its data on building permits while the Bank of Canada announced its key interest rate decision.

In Australia, data on net export of GDP, current account balance and AiG performance of series index was released while the Reserve Bank of Australia announced its interest rate decision.

On Wednesday, June 6th, 2012, in the euro zone, data on gross domestic product, household consumption, gross fixed capital, government expenditure will be published. The European Central Bank will announce its key interest rate decision while Germany is expected to report its data on industrial production.

In United States, several economic indicators will be reported including, data on MBA mortgage applications, non-farm productivity, unit labor costs. The US Federal Reserve is to publish its Beige Book economic survey while the Energy Information Administration will release inventories data for crude oil, gasoline and distillates. US Federal Reserve’s officials, Lockhart and Williams are also expected to speak on US economy in Florida and Washington respectively.

In United Kingdom, data on BRC Shop Price Index, Lloyds Business Barometer and purchasing managers’ index for construction sector will be published. In Australia, data on gross domestic product will be released while Japan will report its data on Bankruptcies.

On Thursday, June 7th, France will release its unemployment rate in the euro zone. In Switzerland, data on unemployment rate, foreign currency reserves and consumer price index will be released.

United States will report its official figures on weekly initial jobless claims, continuing claims, consumer credit and natural gas inventories by EIA.  US Federal Reserve’s officials, Lockhart and Kocherlakota will deliver their speeches on US economy in Georgia and Minneapolis respectively. Canada is expected to report its Ivey purchasing managers’ index.

United Kingdom will report its data on purchasing managers’ index for services sector, official reserves and data on house prices while the Bank of England will announce the interest rate decision and target of its assets purchase program.

In Australia, data on employment change, unemployment rate, participation rate and performance of construction index will be produced while Japan is to release official figures on reserve assets, coincident index, index of leading economic indicators, foreign buying in Japanese stocks and bonds and Japan’s buying in foreign stocks and bonds.

On Friday, June 8th, data on Germany’s whole price index, trade balance, labor costs, current account and data on German imports and exports will be published in the euro zone. United Kingdom is expected to come with data on producer price index’s output and input on Friday while the Bank of England will give its inflation target for next 12 months.

In United States, official data on trade balance and whole sale inventories will be published while Canada is expected to report its data on housing starts, participation rate, employment change, unemployment rate, labor productivity and international merchandize trade.

In Australia, data on trade balance, value of loans, investment lending and home loans will be published. Japan will report its data on gross domestic product, current account and trade balance. Japan will also publish its Watchers Survey for current economic situation as well as for economic outlook.


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