Forex Outlook for the Week Ending June 1st, 2012

Significant economic events which could impact the currencies market and trading for the week ending June 1st, 2012 are as under:

On Monday, May 28th, 2012, markets in United States remained closed in observance of the Memorial Day. In the euro zone, data on Italian business confidence was published while United Kingdom released its report on Hometrack Housing Survey. In Japan, data on corporate service price was published.

On Tuesday, May 29th, 2012, data on Germany’s import price index and consumer price index was published in the euro zone. Switzerland published its UBS consumption indicator.

In United States, data on S&P/Case-Shiller US Home Price Index was released along with data on consumer confidence and manufacturing activity by Dallas’ Federal Reserve. United Kingdom reported its data on UBS Consumption Indicator.

In Australia, data on new home sales was released while Japan published its data on job to applicant ratio, jobless rate, household spending, large retailers’ sales, retail trade and small business confidence.

On Wednesday, May 30th, 2012, data on M3 money supply was reported in the euro zone along with data on industrial confidence, economic confidence, consumer confidence, business climate indicators and service confidence.

United States, released its data on MBA mortgage applications and pending home sales while US Federal Reserves’ officials, Dudley and Fisher separately spoke on economy at public events in New York and San Antonio respectively. In Canada, National Bank’s HP index was released along with industrial product price, Canadian house price index and raw materials price index.

In United Kingdom, data on M4 money supply, mortgage approvals, net consumer credit and net lending on dwellings was produced. Switzerland reported its KOF leading indicator.

In Australia data on retail sales and construction work done was reported while Japan published its data on manufacturing purchasing managers’ index.

On Thursday, May 31st, Germany will report its data on retail sales, unemployment change and unemployment rate. The euro zone will publish its separate data on the region’s consumer price index. In Switzerland, gross domestic product is expected while United Kingdom will report its data on house prices and consumer confidence survey by Gfk

In United States, several reports will be published which will include data on job cuts, consume outlook index, ADP employment change, personal consumption, continuing claims, initial jobless claims, core personal consumption expenditure, gross domestic product price index, and Chicago’s purchasing managers index. Moreover, Energy Information Administration will release its inventories data on crude oil, gasoline, natural gas and distillates. In Canada, data on current account is expected.

Australia will report its data on building approvals,, private sector credit and private capital expenditure while Japan will produce its data on industrial production, Japan’s buying in foreign stocks and bonds and foreign buying in Japan’s stock markets and bonds.

On Friday, June 1st, 2012, Italy, France and Germany will report their purchasing managers’ index for the manufacturing sector while euro zone will report its separate PMI for the manufacturing sector and data on unemployment rate. Italy will also report its data on unemployment rate and the budget balance. Switzerland will report its data on retail sales and purchasing managers’ index while In United Kingdom, PMI for manufacturing sector is expected.

In United States, data on unemployment rate, average hourly earnings, change in household employment, personal income, personal consumption expenditure, unemployment rate, personal spending, change in non-farm payrolls, change in private payrolls, change in manufacturing payrolls, construction spending and purchasing managers’ index will be released. Institute of Supply and Management will also report its data on manufacturing activity and prices paid. In Canada, data on gross domestic product is expected on Friday.


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