Weekly Outlook for Forex Markets

Major economic events to affect the forex markets for the week ending March 23rd, 2012 are as follows:

On Monday, March 19th, 2012, data on Italian industrial sales and orders was published while euro zone reported data on its current account and construction output. In United States, NAHB housing market index was released while US Federal Reserve official Dudley addressed at a public event in Long Island.

In Canada, data on wholesale sales was published. New Zealand released its performance services index and data on consumer confidence.

On Tuesday, March 20th, data on German producer prices was reported in euro zone. Switzerland produced its data on industrial production while in United Kingdom, data on retail price index and consumer price index was released.

In United States, report on housing starts and building permits was published while US Federal Reserve’s Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered as lecture at George Washington University. In Australia, Conference board leading index was published while Reserve Bank of Australia released minutes of its latest monetary policy meeting.

On Wednesday, March 21st, United States will report its data on mortgage applications, existing home sales, crude oil inventories, distillates stockpiles and gasoline inventories by EIA. In Canada, index of leading indicators will be released. Switzerland is to report its data on M3 Money Supply.

In United Kingdom, data on public sector net borrowing and public finances will be released. Bank of England is expected to release the latest minutes of its monetary policy meeting.

In Australia, Westpac lending index will be released while Japan will report the data on convenience store sales and all industry activity index.

On Thursday, March 22nd, data on Germany’s purchasing manger index for manufacturing sector and services sector will be released while a separate purchasing manager index will be released for the single currency region. The euro zone will also report its data on industrial new orders and consumer confidence.

In United States, data on initial jobless claims, continuing claims, leading indicators, house price index and natural gas inventories will be published. US Federal Reserve’s Chairman Ben Bernanke will deliver a lecture at George Washington University on Thursday. In Canada, data on retail sales will be published.

United Kingdom will report its data on retail sales while in Switzerland data on imports and exports will be released. In Japan data on country’s trade balance is expected.

On Friday, in euro zone, data on French purchasing manager index for manufacturing and services sector will be released.

In United Sates, data on new home sales will be published while US Federal Reserve’s official Bullard will address at an investment conference in Hong Kong. Canada will report its data on consumer price index.

In United Kingdom data on consumer confidence and house loans will be reported.


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