Irish Bailout Speculation Drives Markets

By Luke in Currency Articles | November 18, 2010 18:24 | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Ireland has finally admitted today that it may ask for a bailout as ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet signaled debt ridden nations can’t rely on him to keep their financial systems afloat forever. Lehinan has said that he would welcome contingency capital from the EU’s rescue fund. There is however now a growing concern that banks in countries with struggling economies are becomig too reliant on hand outs to stay afloat. This will undoubtedly lead onto increased animosity as countries start to resent having to pay bail out funds to those that struggle to keep their financial systems in order.

The Irish bank books are being study by financial forensic specialists to determine the extent of the fallout of Irelands problem. Investors are speculating that a bailout package will be announced soon and the Euro has strengthed in trading today as a result. This strength is unlikely to develop into any substantial move however as any Irish bailout news is still fundamentally bad news.

US and European stock markets have soared on the news as speculators gain confidence in the markets and increased likelihood of a bailout package.

UK retail sales data has been released better than expected and has helped to drive Sterling higher against its counterparts. It is unlikely now that any UK monetary policy will be changed before Q1 next year.

Best Regards
Luke Zorab

Torfx Currency Dealer
(01736) 335285

If you have any currency requirements and would like to discuss the markets please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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